6 Reasons Why Your Houseplants Could Benefit from a Plant Trellis


Time to read 5 min

Houseplants have become a staple in interior design, adding beauty and freshness to our homes. While many plant parents focus on selecting the perfect pot and soil mix, one essential accessory is often overlooked: the trellis. Trellises aren't just for outdoor gardens; they can also significantly benefit your indoor plants. In this blog post, we'll explore six compelling reasons why your houseplants absolutely need a trellis.

What is a Trellis?

A plant trellis is a structure used in gardening to support climbing or vining plants. It typically consists of a wood, metal, or plastic framework, providing a vertical or horizontal surface for plants to grow on.

So, what are the 6 benefits of adding a trellis?


1. Support for Vertical Growth

Many houseplants naturally exhibit a vertical growth pattern. Without proper support, they can become leggy and unstable, making them more prone to tipping over or breaking. A trellis provides the necessary support, encouraging your plant to grow upwards, resulting in a healthier and more attractive appearance.

2. Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

Trellises add a touch of elegance to your indoor garden. They serve as decorative elements that not only support your plants but also enhance the overall aesthetic of your space. Trellises come in various styles and materials, allowing you to choose one that complements your decor, whether it's a minimalist design or something more ornate.

3. Boosting Variegation

Adding a trellis to your houseplant's environment can also lead to an increase in variegation. Variegated plants, with their striking patterns of contrasting colours, are highly sought after by plant enthusiasts. A trellis encourages your plant to grow more vigorously and evenly, potentially intensifying the variegation in its foliage. With the right care and support, you can watch those mesmerizing patterns become even more vibrant, making your houseplant a true showstopper in your indoor and outdoor garden.

4. Efficient Space Utilization

In smaller living spaces, optimizing floor space is crucial. Trellises allow you to grow vertically, making the most of your available space. This is especially beneficial if you have limited room for additional plants or want to create a lush green corner in a tight spot. Vertical gardening with trellises can transform even the coziest of spaces into a thriving plant haven.

A Hoya Kronhnian Silver Splash plant on Birdy
Birdy's Plants' Surena Plant Trellis

5. Training and Shaping Your Plants

Trellises are fantastic tools for training and shaping your plants. Whether you want to create a neat, compact appearance or encourage your plant to climb and cascade, a trellis provides a framework to guide its growth. With proper guidance, you can turn unruly vines into beautifully sculpted displays that suit your aesthetic preferences.

6. Healthier, Fuller Foliage

Houseplants can distribute their energy more efficiently when provided with a trellis. This means your plant can focus on producing healthier, fuller foliage rather than expending energy on stretching for light or struggling to stay upright. As a result, you'll notice more vibrant and lush growth in your trellised plants.

Do all plants benefit from a plant trellis?

Short answer, no. 


Continue reading to see if your plant could benefit from a plant trellis.

If you have a hoya plant with elongated stems but lacking leaves, consider incorporating a trellis. This situation often arises when the hoya is seeking support to climb.


Several houseplants can benefit from using a plant trellis due to their natural growth habits. Here are some common houseplant varieties that thrive when provided with a frame:

Climbing Philodendrons: Varieties like Philodendron scandens (Brasil) and Philodendron hederaceum (Heartleaf) have trailing or climbing stems that readily attach to trellises. They can create lush, green walls when allowed to climb.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): Pothos plants are famous for their cascading vines but can also be encouraged to climb when provided with a trellis or support. This enhances their visual appeal and allows them to grow more upright.

Scinadpsus: All Scindapsus varieties can be climbing or trailing houseplants; displaying them in many forms allows them to create a lush and beautiful display of colours and patterns on any plant trellis. 

Climbing Hoyas: Some species of Hoya, like Hoya Carnosa, Hoya Curtisii, or even Hoya Krohniana Splash, are known for their trailing growth. A trellis can help them grow upwards, showcasing their beautiful wax-like flowers and distinct foliage. 

Syngonium (Arrowhead Plant): Syngoniums are typically grown as compact houseplants, but with the support of a trellis, they can develop a more upright and climbing growth habit.

Tradescantia (Spiderwort): Certain Tradescantia varieties, such as Tradescantia zebrina and Tradescantia fluminensis, have trailing stems that can be encouraged to climb when guided by a trellis, giving you a fuller plant. 

Begonia: These houseplants are fantastic to train on trellises. You can manipulate where and how they grow with a trellis while providing ample support for them to grow fuller.

A Hoya Krimson Queen plant on Birdy
A Hoya Krimson Queen on our Celso Trellis 

While trellises are predominately used to support climbing and trailing plants, they can also be used as decoration

A Hoya Curtisii plant on a Birdy's Plants Ava Plant Trellis

Choosing the best trellis for plants

Now that you understand the benefits of using a trellis for your houseplants, selecting the right one is essential. Consider factors like the size of your plant,  its growth pattern, the material and durability of the trellis, and your interior design style. 

Trellises for plants are available in various materials, including wood, plastic, and metal. Metal trellises excel in providing sturdy support for heavier and bulkier plants, while plastic trellises are ideal for lighter, smaller plants. Additionally, there are wooden trellises that offer versatility, supporting both plant types, although they may not possess the same durability as plastic or metal options. Ensure that the trellis you choose provides adequate support and complements the aesthetics of your space.

Birdy's Plants' Trellises

Birdy's Plants metal trellises are designed to offer both stability and support for your plants, whether they are lightweight or heavy. They are coated with black PVC for extended durability and resistance against corrosion.

Our plant trellises are recommended for most small and medium-sized plants. *

Trellises are versatile and practical plant accessories that can significantly improve the health and appearance of your houseplants. By providing support for vertical growth, enhancing the visual appeal of your indoor garden, efficiently utilizing space, boosting their variegation immensely, aiding in training and shaping, and promoting healthier foliage, trellises are a valuable addition to any plant parent's home. So, if you haven't already, consider adding a trellis to your collection of plant accessories and watch your indoor jungle flourish in style.

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